You and Me Forever// Chapter 5: Is There Hope For Us?
“Love… does not demand its own way” (1 Corinthians 13:5).
This… this one is gritty. And beautiful. And sounds like two people pursuing God and each other in the midst of pain. It sounds a lot like real life.
Today, on our nine-year anniversary, Matt and I open up about the last year-and-a-half of walking through the effects of trauma with a person.
May it only bless you.
[Skip to minute 21 if you only want to hear the deep hearty stuff. 🙂 ]
Question of the Week: What is something (pre-heaven/new kingdom) you are hopeful for?
Helpful Links: We are walking through this book (free on the app!).
I quote this from RA Torrey: “We take the name of God upon our lips, but there is no conscious approach to God in our hearts. We are really taking the name of God in vain while we imagine we are praying to him… We should never utter one syllable of prayer either in public or in private, until we are definitely conscious that we have come into the presence of God, and are actually praying to Him.”–Rewards of Prayer, 5 in 1 Anthology.
I mention this post I wrote about “being okay with not being okay.”
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