Let’s take it back to the basics and then broaden to the more complex: What does LGBTQIA mean (and why doesn’t the term “homosexuals” cover it)? Where can parents take their mix of emotions when their kid comes out? Is there even a right and wrong when it comes to the gender conversation?
We are tackling some big and basic questions related to pastors, parents, and therapists today, and who better to navigate with us than Christian expert in the field, Dr. Mark Yarhouse?
Mark is is Professor of Psychology at Regent University in Virginia Beach, and has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and very helpful books in including, Understanding Sexual Identity: A Resource for Youth Ministers and Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture.
Ready? Let’s go.
“What happens in ministries and what happens in families is we overreact to what’s above the surface . . . rather than minister to what’s beneath.” —Dr. Mark Yarhouse
“A lot of times youth ministers will say, ‘It’s not my experience, so how can I be a trail guide?’ You don’t have to be Bear Grylls, you just need to be familiar with the trail. You just have to have walked the trail with other people . . . and to read up on it.” –Dr. Mark Yarhouse
Do the Next Thing:
– Find some of Dr. Yarhouse’s Center for Faith articles on gender here
– Two of Dr. Yarhouse’s books we found very helpful are Understanding Sexual Identity: A Resource for Youth Ministers and Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture.
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