Again. God, in His mercy, knew that we would need this episode today when we recorded it over one month ago.
Today, Matt and I (Laurie) introduce you to our for-real small group. These are people who are a huge part of our lives and are truly the reason Matt and I are still married.
In an age where large-group churches cannot meet and small groups are meeting online, this group has become even more of our lifeline. Now, we don’t just meet every-other week for a couple of hours hours, we meet online every week, have started a daily online Bible reading together, and are texting and praying for each other frequently. Praise God.
We are so honored to share these precious friends with you.
But, we didn’t just win the small group lottery. How did we not just become a group of people who go kinda deep every once in a while, but became each other’s family?
Listen in and we will share how you–Lord willing–may be able to replicate the gift God gave us with the people around you. Yes, even online.
Pictured from left to right (back to front): Jason Botbyl, Kerri and Caleb Chamberlain (they were not recording in the room, but we hear Kerri’s voice for a minute), Sarah and Ryan Veenstra, Laurie Krieg, Julie Botbyl, and Argyle Expert Matt!
Do the Next Thing
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More Impossible Marriage Workshop info? Save the date! October 23 and 24! Find out more and to sign up for updates here
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