We have another guest! Dr. Branson Parler!
To go with his movie star name and phD, Branson is FULL OF WISDOM! This was one of those conversations where Producer Steve, Matt, and I looked at each other while recording with our jaws dropped.
He answered a lot of questions we had about the relationship between sexuality, married people, single people, and the Church.
Podcast Quotes:
“Paul can say, ‘Stay single,’ …because the church is functioning as a family.”
“Our bodies matter. Matter matters… The way God communicates his love to us is not just through this intellectual message that bounces off of us, the Word became flesh.”
“Whether people are married or single, what everyone needs is a healing of our broken sexuality. It’s not that marriage is this proper outlet for our lust. It is that lust needs to be killed across the board.”
Goofball Island: Who was your childhood pet, and what was its tragic life ending?
Vehicle to get to Goofball Island: The dog van from Dumb and Dumber.
Helpful Links:
Branson’s Blog: www.bransonparler.com
A super helpful (and well-liked) catechism he wrote on sexuality: https://www.bransonparler.com/blog/great-lakes-catechism-on-marriage-and-sexuality
Branson on The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender: http://www.centerforfaith.com/blog/what-our-weddings-say-about-marriageQuestion of the Week for Next Week: What has this marriage series (walking through the ‘You and Me Forever’ book) taught you?