This is our last official full-length podcast for season one of the HIMH podcast! [Insert weeping]
We are going to us off into the July break talking about a favorite summer activity: camping.
But this episode covers much more than camp life. Our guest, Susan Titus, a shares practical experience of caring for LGBT+ campers as well as ways God has convicted her to love LGBT+ people. (Her methods include reaching out to people in gay bars and wearing rainbow bracelets). Per usual, we learn a lot about what it means to live missionally.
We also play a game called Camp or Tramp (is this a real camp experience or a faker?), and explore best and worst camp moments with our listener Question of the Week!
“What really propelled me down the path was we had a staff member…who came out about a relationship. [It] compelled me to get some skin in the game and really start to study, learn, and understand.” –Susan Titus
Do The Next Thing:
Check out Susan’s camp here.
​These are books Susan said she read and found helpful as she sought to live missionally alongside LGBT+ people:
General Understanding/Sexual Identity:
Homosexuality & the Christian (Mark Yarhouse)
People to be Loved (Preston Sprinkle)
The End of Sexual Identity (Paris)
Us versus Us (Andrew Marin)
Understanding Sexual Identity (Mark Yarhouse)
Washed and Waiting (Wesley Hill)
Single,Gay Christian (Greg Coles)
Space at the Table (Brad & Drew Harper)
Friendship at the Margins (Chris Huertz)
Understanding Gender Dysphoria (Mark Yarhouse)