Author, poet, and artist, Jackie Hill Perry, is in the house! As we do with every guest, we get at the intersection between the gospel and Jackie’s real, right-now life.
In addition to Jackie’s story of surrender, we discuss how she and her husband stay connected through the storms of life, how to interact with people who want to make her into a deity or the devil, and if she were forced to only use Comic Sans or Papyrus fonts for the rest of her life–which would she choose?
Join us.
P.S. You can hear Jackie’s four-month-old baby off and on throughout the podcast. It’s the sweetest.
“Randomly, the strongest thought came to my head that said, ‘My sin will be the death of me.’ I was like, ‘Oh, that was weird.’ I started to think about my sin and it’s consequences . . . I tried to be Christian before. I had said the sinner’s prayer like 12 times before and it never worked. I knew I could not save myself. I knew, ‘If you’re calling me to be holy, that has to be something You do.’ I told God, ‘What you’re calling me to do I know I can’t do on my own, but I know enough about you to know that you’ll help me.'” –Jackie Hill Perry
“I think my challenge was would I ever love him [my husband, Preston] truly? Will I ever be as attracted to him as I was to the women I was with? Will I ever feel like I can be myself? Those were a lot of my fears.” –Jackie Hill Perry
“I really do believe that the gospel is foolish to those who are perishing. I really do believe that part of being a Christian is to be misunderstood. I cling a lot to the fact that when Jesus was teaching the truth they had the audacity to say he was possessed.” –Jackie Hill Perry
Read Jackie’s new book Gay Girl, Good God. It’s worth your time.Follow Jackie on Instagram. She’s a good follow.
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