You and Me Forever: Chapters 6 and 7: What’s Really Best for the Kids?
So…shocker: Parenting is hard.Also, life is hard.Today, we follow up with the brutally honest “Episode 24: Is There Hope for Us?” as well as discuss how we, as bleeding-heart parents, can be on mission (to make disciples) with our kids without hurting their hearts…
So…shocker: Parenting is hard.Also, life is hard.Today, we follow up with the brutally honest “Episode 24: Is There Hope for Us?” as well as discuss how we, as bleeding-heart parents, can be on mission (to make disciples) with our kids without hurting their hearts…
How do we do that?
Question of the Week: What is your biggest takeaway from this book?
Goofball Island: What was your favorite childhood TV show?
Helpful Links:
Laurie’s post: The Day I Became Wonder Woman
Psychology Today: 10 Reasons Why Today’s Teenagers Are So Anxious
Question of the Week for Next Week: What are you looking forward to this summer?