Speaking of not wasting our marriage… Matt and I dressed up like Stranger Things Characters for our combined birthdays last week. 😉 We all need a little fun, right?
You and Me Forever// Chapter 4: Don’t Waste Your Marriage
We talk birthday, which childhood movie traumatized you, and what have you said to friends when they say they can’t “feel” and/or hear God’s voice?
Here’s good ol’ Francis laying it down per usual: “I hear people complain that they don’t feel Jesus with them, they don’t experience the Holy Spirit. I usually ask them: Are you busy making disciples? … If I want to find my friend Andrew, I can usually find him at the gym. If I want to find Adam, he’s probably at the beach. If I want to find Lisa, she’s probably at Target. If I want to find Jesus, I should share the gospel with someone. That’s where He will be. He is on the battlefield. He is pursuing the mission” (Chan, 100).
How can we pursue it, too–no matter our marital status?
Question of the Week: How are you doing on your word for the year?
Helpful Link: We talk about when it is necessary to “be on mission while making disciples” while also getting soul care/counseling. Are the two incongruent? Here is a helpful Christianity Today article, “Evangelism, Meet Soul Care.” Here’s a quote:
“All true soul care requires us to come asking Lord, what do I need from you right now?Jesus gets this; he is continually meeting individuals with exactly what they need. He doesn’t come granting wishes. He comes perceiving our core need and invites us into acknowledging this in his presence. His tools are ever changing (mud and spit, fish, fig tree, water, words, etc.), yet his general method is not. First, he offers radical acceptance of the individual, often by breaking cultural barriers. Then he brings awareness to their hearts through questions that expose their motivations. Next he offers a new path of connection to the love of God specified to their exact inner needs and outer lives. Moving forward, this frees them to extravagantly love their neighbor.”