If women make up 1 out of every 3 visits to pornographic websites, if 17% of women consider themselves addicted to porn, and if half of women in a recent German sex study admit to watching porn, why don’t we talk about it? Why are there so few resources?
We talk about it with Amy Riordan, author, speaker, and writer for Covenant Eyes. Additionally, we explore the questions: If we are a woman who wrestles with pornography or lust in general, how can we get the shame-free help we need? If we are a friend of a woman wrestling with lust, how can we come alongside our friends?
Favorite Quote:
“To me, intimacy meant sex. I didn’t realize there was a difference between the two. That started this whole thing with God showing me what I was really craving and wanting was intimacy–not sex.'”
Question of the Week: Have you ever said, “God, I will never do/go/say _____,” and then the next thing you know you’re doing ____?
Goofball Island: When have you pulled a prank, had one pulled on you, or even DAYDREAMED about pulling a prank on someone? How did it go?
Podcast Extra:
If we are struggling with lust, how can we get the help we need?
- Live transparently with one or two people
- Get time alone to recenter
- Be transparent with God
- Change your scenery
- Reach out to your friends
- Be kind with yourself
Who are safe friends?
- Known for being trustworthy and compassionate
- Don’t have to struggle the same way you do
- Can handle little bits of your story well
- They see their “minor” sins as equal to your “major” ones
- Aware of their own struggles
- Say, “You are not alone”
- Listen
How can we help a friend who is struggling?
- Don’t repeat the shame statements
- Don’t focus on the sin
- See friend as valuable no matter what
- Advocate for the friend
Find Amy:
Her Longing for Intimacy Site: http://longingforintimacy.com/about/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amy.setfree
Instagram: @amy_riordan_
Helpful Links:
Amy’s Covenant Eyes Articles: http://www.covenanteyes.com/author/amy-riordan/
“More Women Admit to Watching Porn”: https://fightthenewdrug.org/as-more-women-admit-to-watching-porn-i-realize-how-much-it-affected-my-sexuality/
“Learning to Talk About Lust”: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/women/women-and-sexual-temptation-learning-to-talk-about-lust.html
Question of the Week for Next Week: How did you first hear about Jesus when you were a kid? How do you talk with your kids about Jesus?