Desires: We all have ‘em. And sometimes they really get in our way.
What are we supposed to do about this? Does Jesus care about our desires? Does He value them?
As our good friend Curt Thompson points out, Jesus first question in the gospel of John is, “What do you want?”
Clearly, our desires matter to God.
How and why?
Listen with us to find out.
“Jesus’ assumption is that what I want is a really, really big deal.” -Curt Thompson
“[When I am wounded] I don’t desire, I devour.” -Curt Thompson
“…[S]till Jesus says, ‘What is it that you want?’ And I’m like, ‘What else is there to want? I’ve run out of all the options that I’ve made, that I’ve created.’ And this is when He comes with Himself and undoes us. Because—what I really want? I wanna be loved, I wanna be seen, I wanna be known, I wanna be wanted. And even though it terrifies me, I even want to be wanted by [Jesus], including the parts of me that I hate the most. And Jesus is saying, ‘I’m all in. And the parts of you that you hate the most? I’m not afraid of that, and you can’t make me leave the room.’” -Curt Thompson
Do the Next Thing
Want more of Curt? We have loads! (We’re big fans of him around here.)
For the basics, check out his website, including his NEW BOOK, The Soul of Desire!
To hear more from Curt on our podcast, check out these other episodes!
- Episode 64: Exploring Our Souls of Shame, pt. 1
- Episode 65: Exploring Our Souls of Shame, pt. 2
- Episode 138: Shredding Shame in a Pandemic
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Looking for a great translation of the Bible? The CSB translation is a sponsor of the HIMH podcast! Learn more about our new favorite Bible at csbible.com.
Watch this conversation!