Friends: This is a story you ‘re not going to want to miss. Our guest, Rachel Gilson, wrote an article for Christianity today that was both award-winning and one of the most-read articles of 2017. When you hear her share her story of the gospel’s good news for her here, you’ll understand why.
The story includes girlfriends, binge drinking, and a stolen copy of Mere Christianity. Rachel also shares about the gospel’s right-now good newsiness in her walk with ongoing temptation.
Because we are the HIMH podcast, we naturally discuss the past-tense version of the word, “cheat,” the difference between a high-five and a fist-bump, and we play a game called Mascot or Villain (where you have to guess if the name is a sports mascot or super villain).
“There wasn’t a particular paragraph or a line of logic that got me [in Mere Christianity]. It was that while I was reading, I was suddenly aware not only did God exist, but that he was incredibly holy, and that holiness was a problem for me.”
“I knew I couldn’t pretend that the gospel wasn’t real just because it was inconvenient for me. That would be the definition of stupidity.”
“In other groups I had made friends by telling dirty jokes and drinking a lot. (I learned pretty quickly that that’s not how you make friends with Evangelicals). [My Christian friends] were so incredibly gracious to me. They just loved me right in. I never felt weird or out of place. It was just full acceptance all at once.”
“If you choose sin over relationship, it does not stay in your own private world, it always ripples out.”
​Do the Next Thing:
1. Read the stolen book Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
2. Check out three of Rachel’s amazing articles:
“Two Marvelous Truths Help Me Say No to Sexual Sin”
“I Never Became Straight. Perhaps That Was Never God’s Goal.”
“I Left Same-Sex Romance for Love”
3. Learn more about Rachel at her blog