Okay, friends, let’s play “would you rather”…
Would you rather have an all-expenses paid, two week vacation in a tropical oasis—but there is one catch: You have to be discontent every second of the trip.
Or, would you rather be locked up in jail, and you are cold, hungry, have few clothes, but you know God called you there, and so all you want to do is joyfully, contentedly worship God—so you do.
Likely, most of us would pick the second option. But what does that choice tell us? We think it says contentment is critical and our circumstances don’t matter as much as we might think they do.
But how in the world can we become content?
How does contentment relate to our time, money, and talents that we are called to steward?
Do we need to still give if we are achingly tired and legit feel like we have nothing inside to offer another?
Let’s get after it, friends. Let’s dive into the stewardship garden with pastor and author (and all-around awesome dude) Dr. Andrew Davis.
“Christian contentment is that sense in the heart–based on the fatherly love of God—of trusting in Him, the decisions He makes for our lives. So a lot of it has to do with submission, a faith-filled submission to our Heavenly Father and what He chooses to do with our lives, and that sense that we have of peace and joy as we trust our Heavenly Father.” -Dr. Andrew Davis
“I think you can actually go through your whole Christian life and never learn [contentment]. I think you can be a complaining…murmuring, frustrated person and still be fruitful—but you won’t be as fruitful.” -Dr. Andrew Davis
“You need to be evidently hope-filled.” -Dr. Andrew Davis
“Jesus said no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; he puts it up on a stand. Could it be the stand is suffering? He’s gonna put you on a stand and make you shine in a dark place…[C]ontentment enables you to be a steward of that situation.” -Dr. Andrew Davis
Do the Next Thing
Check out TwoJourneys.org to learn more about Andy!
Watch this conversation!