{Week 5 Core Need is the need to be loved: Unconditionally accepted}
All you need is love. It’s a nice song, but what about the actual experience of love? How can we feel it deeply before we see Jesus face-to-face?
Author and speaker, Jennifer Kennedy Dean, guides us to a deeper experience of God’s love that is not tethered to our circumstances (death of siblings, death of spouses, or a deep wrestling with the reality of prayer), but is richly intertwined to the alive and active Holy Spirit in us.
We also play a game called, “Love Song or Worship Song?” and somehow learn a deep lesson based on how goofy we look while dolphin watching.
“You are never going to be able to get love in the way exactly that you want to, but you can give love. When you give love not for the purpose of making someone love you, but for the purpose of expressing the Jesus who lives in you, you are going to find that fulfilling.”
–Jennifer Kennedy Dean
”Prayer is more than sandwiching words between, ‘Dear God’ and ‘Amen.’ There is a whole aspect of prayer that is going on directly from your heart to God’s that might not even have words on it yet.”
–Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Do the Next Thing:
Check out Jennifer’s site and her bestselling books
Jennifer quoted Andrew Murray:
”Christ is our life: in heaven He ever lives to pray; His life in us is an ever-praying life, if we will but trust Him for it. Christ teaches us to pray not only by example, by instruction, by command, by promises, but by showing us HIMSELF, the ever-living Intercessor, as our Life. It is when we believe this, and go and abide in Him for our prayer-life too, that our fears of not being able to pray aright will vanish, and we shall joyfully and triumphantly trust our Lord to teach us to pray, to be Himself the life and the power of our prayer.”
Question of the Week for Next Week:
Does going somewhere new and meeting new people excite you or drain you?