{Week 4 Core Need is the need for rest: Re-centered and reset in mind, body, spirit; includes having fun}
Why is it that it seems whoever is the busiest is winning at life? If you are stressed, busy, but magically not anxious, you hold a higher status?
We talk about this with Adam Mabry, whose wife laughed at him when he told her he was asked to write a book on rest. This pastor, teacher, and author of the book, The Art of Rest: Faith to Hit Pause in a World that Never Stops, was able to write the book after experiencing what it was like to live a life without rest, and watching it lead to total breakdown. We explore this story, practical ways to combat the “I’m better because I’m busier” game, and why being a pastor who exegetes Romans while on a unicorn might be the best way to do church.
“I broke. I have this vivid memory of it being 1 or 2 in the morning, and I am painting baseboards, crying, cursing, angry, praying mess, and that was the beginning of, ‘Hm, I don’t think I can achieve my way out of this.’ I hit the dark pretty hard for six or nine months. The practice of rest was acknowledging that there is a God in heaven and a sovereign ruler of the universe, and His name is not my name.” –Adam Mabry
“As an achiever, Jesus achieved par excellence . . . In three years he achieved redemption of the cosmos. In three years I barely got a Master’s degree . . . [Jesus] got a lot done and did it more restfully than most of us.” –Adam Mabry
“If the Church of Jesus Christ is made up of anxiety-driven, restless people, it doesn’t say a lot about a gospel of grace that is very good.” –Adam Mabry
Do the Next Thing:
Check out Adam on his site here
Also, Adam’s most recent book can be found on Amazon here
Want to know more about his church? Click here to check it out!
We mention how watching TV doesn’t really rest you. An article on that is here.