{Week 1 Core Need is the need to be nurtured: cared for, held.}
It’s time to dive deeply into Core Needs. What are they? They are good needs God put into us for things like belonging, purpose, affirmation, and to be seen and desired. The Fall threw a wrench in our once-natural ability to get them perfectly met by God and supported by people, however, and now we have natural inclinations to get these good needs met in ways that don’t satisfy us and don’t glorify God. (That natural inclination is known as our sin nature.) Our default is now idolatry.
Eden Invitation co-founders, Anna Carter and Shannon Ochoa, launch our 10-week series on Core Needs by talking about the need for nurture. These ministry leaders guide us beautifully through wrestling with how we see nurture develop throughout our life, and how we can look to our friends to support this nurture need without slipping into co-dependence.
We also talk tattoos, donuts, and “getting in the freaking car” for a worship sesh.
Join us on a journey of the soul.
“One of my continual lessons is spiritual childhood: As we age, nurture looks differently. But I am always a child of my heavenly Father.” –Anna Carter
“At the end of the day it’s an invitation: To love and be loved . . . There’s not a sense of dependence or your friends completing you, but we must be comfortable in naming it: ‘In order for me to lean into the Lord more easily, I want to invite you to walk with me.'” –Shannon Ochoa
“By confessing to another person my own need, my own vulnerability, and my own woundedness, I am providing them with an opportunity to help me live the Christian life. I am providing them an opportunity to be a disciples–to imitate Jesus.”–Anna Carter
Do the Next Thing:
Take a look at Anna and Shannon’s Eden Invitation website here and some of their favorite resources here!
Check out our Journey Well Workshops and Study here!