Are you a leader? (Is everyone a leader?)
Do you ever feel lonely as a leader? Why is that? What can we do about it?
We talk about loneliness on the podcast today as well as big changes that are happening at HIMH (no Matt??!), people who like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (ew), and visit Gory Island as opposed to Goofball Island to brag about how we got our childhood scars. (Thanks for carrying me like a lamb in Jesus’s arms, sixth-oldest sibling, Suzie!)
Question of the Week: What is your word for 2018?
Podcast Extra: We mentioned Questions for Self-Reflection our mentor, David Beelen, wrote. Here they are for you:
1. Is my calling sure?
2. Is my vision clear?
3. Is my passion hot?
4. Is my character submitted to Christ?
5. Is my pride subdued?
6. Are my fears at bay?
7. Are interior issues undermining my leadership?
8. Are my ears open to the Spirit’s whisper?
9. Is my pace sustainable?
10. Are my gifts developing?
11. Is my heart for God increasing?
12. Is my capacity for loving deepening?