Episode 97: The Heart of Racial Reconciliation
The purpose of this podcast is to “explore how the gospel is good news for everyone every day.”
Most often, we talk about how the gospel relates to sexuality/gender (as those conversations have been neglected for too long in the Church), however part of the good news of the gospel is it eliminates walls and barriers between people—racial barriers included.
Our friend, Kinita Schripsema, helps us to launch into this conversation from a place we need to start: the heart.
Kinita was kind enough to let us ask many dumb questions (although she was gracious to not call them dumb!) in order to get to a place where we can speak heart to heart.
This is an important one.
“All of us in human race want not only to belong, but we want unity, acceptance, authenticity and freedom. If that is the common ground, when we are aware of what our cultural bent is, we are then able to see the other person as a human and for their heart–not their skin color.”
–Kinita Schripsema
“It’s really crucial we all take a step back and allow grace in this space. The only way we can actually do that in each of our stories is if we have done our own personal work of forgiveness [and] our own internal work of reconciliation.” –Kinita Schripsema
”It’s not okay for us to say within the context of our church, ‘But we are united in Christ, right?’ You can say that but I sure hope you’re being inclusive. I sure hope you’re embracing and *walking with,* and–most crucially–stepping into the mess with people.” –Kinita Schripsema
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Do the Next Thing:
- Interested in learning more about Kinita and her work? Here is her site, her Facebook, and a book she wrote called, I Am Hagar: Forgotten No More. (She’d love to connect!)
- Dan Allender is doing a great podcast series right now on “Becoming an Anti-Racist.” It’s a great next step.
- Latasha Morrison’s new book is another great step.
- Find us on Instagram to answer things like the Question of the Week here.
Question of the Week for Next Week:
What do you have duct-taped together now?
Email podcast@lauriekrieg.com, comment here, or find Laurie Krieg on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to answer