It’s Election Time! Is the gospel still good news…?
Today, we invite Michael Wear, Chief Strategist of the AND Campaign, to discuss how to hold onto Christ’s heart in the midst of intense election year. For a few years now, Michael and the AND Campaign have been wrestling with the tension of unity and diversity, especially when engaging in politics. Join us as we discuss unity in the Body of Christ, primary and secondary issues, how to speak up with grace, and how to receive grace from Jesus as we vote.
“The vocational question that has sorta guided my life is, ‘What does it mean to be faithful in public things?’” -Michael Wear
“As Christians, in all of life, we are not responsible for the outcome of things that happen. We are to steward the influence and responsibility that we have in the most faithful way that we know how.” -Michael Wear
“The state of our politics is a reflection of the state of our souls.” -Michael Wear
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