Did you know that CS Lewis’ lifelong best friend was gay?
Did you know that Francis Schaeffer was against orientation-change pursuit for gay people?
Did you know that Billy Graham was a compassionate defender of gay people who fell into sexual sin?
Did you know that John Stott encouraged the church to “repent of the crippling ‘homophobia’… which has coloured the attitudes toward homosexual people of too many of us, and call our fellow Christians to similar repentance”?
You guys…the church wasn’t always so terrible at the LGBTQ conversation, praise God.
Pastor and author Greg Johnson helped us understand this truth as he unpacked the church’s history, but he also shined light on some of the more dark shadows of our past and current state as he shared his own journey as a celibate pastor who experiences attractions to the same sex.
This is not an episode to miss…
“[John] Stott said, ‘If the Church can’t be family for gay people, if they can’t be known and loved and understood within the Church, then the Church needs to quit calling itself the family of God.’” -Greg Johnson
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