Has it ever felt too hard for you to come to Jesus?
What do we do in those moments? When we are at the end of our rope, how to do we approach God exactly as we are?
Today, we welcome Rashawn Copeland, author of Start Where You Are, to discuss his experiences with these questions and more. Rashawn brings good and gracious wisdom to the table, inviting us to come to God from the place we’re in–not where we think we should be–and trust Him to meet us there. Join us as we hear Rashawn’s heart on this issue and others, always coming back to how the gospel is good news for everyone, everyday.
“I wouldn’t go to God as I actually was, I always went to Him how I pretended to be. And I just want to encourage someone to go to Him with a broken and contrite heart…That’s the sacrifice He loves. Come to Him…with all your mess, all your brokenness, and He’ll meet you there. He wants to. He’s longing. He said, ‘Draw near to Me, and I’ll draw near to you.’” -Rashawn Copeland
“Even if you feel too dirty, you’re not too dirty to be cleansed. You’re not too broken to be fixed. You’re not too unworthy to be loved. Just come to God as you are and He’ll take you where you need to be.” -Rashawn Copeland
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Pre-order Rashawn Copeland’s book, Start Where You Are, today!