Yes, yes, yes, we know: We live in a sex-saturated world. Move on, right?
Maybe. But is there something we can do about it? Do we simply have to endure the brokenness around us and within us, or can we take some Christ-following steps in the right direction?
Our dear friend and newly minted author, Rachel Gilson, thinks we can. Her critical new book, Born Again This Way, not only tells the story of how she came to Christ at Yale through a stolen copy of Mere Christianity, but she unpacks how someone who experiences same-sex attraction can do the stumbly discipleship walk of daily surrender.
One of our favorite pieces of her discipleship walk is how she learned to view our sex-saturated world through the lens of family.
This is an important one, friends–I mean, siblings.
“We kind of intuitively sense that a sibling relationship is a special kind of relationship: It has both really deep intimacy but is absolutely not erotic.” –Rachel Gilson
“A lot of time what temptation does is it wants to pull away our focus from, ‘God has given me gifts and opportunity to—with His Body—build His kingdom.’ Temptation ends up being this big gospel waste.” –Rachel Gilson
“Occasionally, you get this best friend situation where you turn inward like an ingrown toenail … you end up pairing up in a way that shuts out the broader body. There is something about sibling-hood that reminds us we are a part of a family.” –Rachel Gilson
Question of the Week for Next Week:
What is your favorite sport to watch or to play? (Are they the same or different?)
Do the Next Thing:
Get her book!! Here
Find Rachel’s site here
Reach Rachel’s Christianity Today testimony here
Listen to her last episode with us here
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