Do you ever wonder how people can go from living comfortably to saying “yes” to serving people courageously?
We do.
So we asked some of our friends how they did it.
Tom Mollhagen transformed from being born in a brothel in India, to living the American dream, to going back and serving those he left behind. His wife, Dana, went from accepting Jesus on a swing set at five years old, to a successful nursing career, to working side-by-side with Thomas in India.
Our friends are not special Christians; they are normal Christians who are obedient.
Hear how they went from the American dream to saying “yes” no matter what (and of course play a ridiculous game alongside them) on this week’s episode.
“I was born in a brothel. I was the untouchable, and the lowest caste. We had no hope. The only way they can live out of that caste system is by bringing the gospel and telling them they don’t have to live that life. God paid for it… We don’t have to earn it anymore.” –Tom Mollhagen
“The gospel is so needed–both for the predator and the victim. I am kind of repulsed by that because we only want to think about the victim. But both need huge redemption. As I’ve seen this, [the perpetrators] need to be redeemed from viewing anyone as an object….For the children who have been though things (so many people who have been trafficked): The Lord has to heal that hurt. There is so much in this world that needs to be made right… God starts to do that work in us now, but there is a waiting in that hope that is to come.” –Dana Mollhagen
Do The Next Thing:
Check out their organization, Faith In Deeds
Pray. Is God leading you to say “yes” to some area in your life where you have resisted obedience? (I know that “obedience” is a trigger word, but it is the safest track to walk.)
Answer our Question of the Week: How do you get motivated to do difficult things? Listen to a certain song? Chew gum (oops, Laurie)? Say a verse?