Today is question and answer time with Matt and Laurie!
We cover a lot including these questions:
How did we first meet Steve?
How do we handle Pride Month?
How do we plan to address our mixed-orientation marriage with our kids?
How can straight, single guys and girls be friends without the relationship getting weird?
If we, as a married couple, invite a single person into our home how can we prevent it from becoming a situation where one of us falls in love with the single person?
How can I care for my bisexual friend without compromising my beliefs or pushing my beliefs on her?
How can I be committed to a worldview that has caused so much pain and depression for so many LGBTQ+ people?
How do we grieve well—whether for trivial things or deep, human loss?
Let’s go, fam.
“It always has to be this recognition of what is good about Pride Month—about people being able to be open and not hidden. But there is also this sorrow: … the unity that comes from Pride Month is not oriented toward your relationship with God, it’s about something completely different.” —Matt
“Ya’ll, we got to repent for the last x decades of idolatry of marriage, idolatry of sex in marriage, and really? Not honoring this thing that we have eye-rollingly said is ‘Every man’s battle, every woman’s battle,’ and ‘Oh, just hurry up and get hitched and put a ring on your lust.’” —Laurie
“Yes, it costs LGBT+ people something to follow Jesus, but the gospel should cost all of us our lives. And if it is not, are we actually following Jesus?” —Laurie
Do the Next Thing:
Watch this conversation!
That BOGO deal for our Journey Well Study? It’s here! (We will send you two for the price of one!)
We mention “Safe Place Prayer with Matt” podcast episode. It’s here