As many of us hunker down into our homes, Matt and I (Laurie) open up our real lives to you.
In this “Our World” mini series, will cover the following topics: 1. When I walked with someone for months and it seemed like a failure, 2. The sticky intersection between the race and LGBT+ conversations, 3. How God encouraged us to form a small group that has changed our lives.
Today: When discipleship “fails.” I walked away from a discipleship relationship with Kara Martin several years ago feeling hopeful but doubtful. I was hopeful she would follow Jesus, but I wasn’t sure I did anything to help her move in that direction.
What happened after we stopped meeting?
How can God still use us when we feel like we completely failed at walking well with others?
What is a good way to walk alongside someone who is wavering on their path of Christlikeness?
We cover these questions and more today on a challenging but critical conversation straight from “our world.”
“Walking away enabled me to get my heart in the right place to actually want to figure this out on my own—and not to have Cornerstone or Laurie telling me ‘This is what it should look like.’” –Kara Martin
“I wanted to pursue dating girls. More than that? I wanted to pursue God’s plan for my life… That [latter] motivation was not my own.” –Kara Martin
“You can tell people what you believe all you want, but that’s not what’s going to change their hearts. What’s going to change their hearts is when God gets in there.” –Kara Martin
Do the Next Thing:
Find Kara on IG here
Shout out to Cornerstone University for rocking at speaking truth in love! Find them here
Email her through us here
A few of her recommended resources? Here:
- “People to be Loved” by Preston Sprinkle
- “Holy Sexuality” by Christopher Yuan
- “Single Gay Christian” by Greg Coles
- “Meditations of a Traveling Nun” blog by Bridget Eileen
- “Life on Side B” podcast by Josh Proctor
Find our Journey Well Study we mention here