This is timely.
In the midst of a global pandemic, one of the stock market’s worst weeks, and fear invading many corners of our hearts, bestselling author, John Eldredge, brings a critical message to the podcast table this week.
“Your soul is never meant to carry all of this,” he said. “The human soul is not designed for these conditions.”
It isn’t. We are not meant to carry the insanity of a broken world. So how do we engage it with maturity?
Learn with us as we engage a message that literally changed (and is changing) our lives.
“The world that we live in gets everybody spun up … emotionally, physically and spiritually. We want relief. The quick relief is to reach for the bag of cookies or the bottle of scotch or binge watch your favorite show. But relief is very different from restoration. When you’re done [with relief] you don’t actually feel any better.” —John Eldredge
“Maturity is not an option because of the gnarly hour that we live in. Union with God—cultivating it as a life goal—is the invitation.” —John Eldredge
“We have neglected our souls … The rescue for me has been to love Jesus in the midst of my suffering.” –John Eldredge
Do the Next Thing:
John’s book Get Your Life Back is here
That Pause App that is wrecking us? Find it here
Check out that Spiritual Warfare series we mentioned starts here
That suffering book by Elisabeth Elliot I mentioned? Here
That episode with John’s sons we mentioned? Here