Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt lonely!
In this pandemic world we’re living in–and even more, just in general–loneliness is something we all experience–and none of us talk about. Today, we welcome Jason Gaboury, author of Wait With Me, to tackle the uncomfortable and vitally important topic of loneliness. Why do we experience it? What do we do about it? Where is God in the midst of it?
Join us as we answer these questions and more this week!
“What most people don’t know is that the Christian tradition, that the Bible itself, has powerful tools that can lead people through loneliness into deep connection with God, deep connection with themselves, and deeper compassion for other people.” -Jason Gaboury
“Jesus doesn’t skip to the end…God isn’t that kind of God. [He is] radically present to you…Radically present right here, right now, in the midst of this.” -Jason Gaboury
“That feeling of loneliness. That feeling of ‘I need to connect with other people for it to be right’—That’s not a result of the Fall, that’s not a result of sin. And the fact that we feel shame about needing other people is…because we’re formed as Western individualists, not biblical Christians. Biblical Christians should feel no more shame in feeling lonely than they do of their need for food and sleep.” -Jason Gaboury
Do the Next Thing:
Watch this conversation!
Check out Jason Gaboury’s book, Wait With Me!
While you’re at it, check out “Spiritual Disciplines for Seasons of Loneliness,” also by Jason Gaboury.