At HIMH we sometimes call ourselves “gospel addicts,” but what is an addict? Author, psychologist, and addiction expert, Dr. Gregory Jantz, breaks down some of the attributes and questions we may have for ourselves or our friends on how to take steps away from the following addictions:
Food (eating too much or little)
Social Media
Because we can’t help ourselves, we dive into the Die Hard debate (Christmas movie or nah?), and play a game called, “Top Toy or Misfit?” (Players have to guess which toy is a top seller this year, and which one was dubbed a danger.)
Come play and learn with us.
“A relapse handled properly is all about recovery–because we are learning from it.” –Dr. Gregory Jantz
“[We must look in the] mirror and say, ‘If I keep doing this, what is going to happen to me? What is going to happen to those I love?” –Dr. Gregory Jantz
Do the Next Thing:
Learn more about Dr. Gregory Jantz here
Find his book here [Healing the Scars of Addiction]
Take the CAGE questionnaire here
Follow on twitter: @GregoryJantzPhd ∙ @ReadBakerBooks