Fruit of knowing the Good News is believing that God loves kids.
He cares about their souls, he cares about their spirits, and he cares about their bodies.
That is the focus of this episode: How can we protect our children, our nieces and nephews, and our friends’ kids from childhood sexual abuse? How can we do it in a way that is not “shamey”?
We explore it today with experts and authors of the important kids’ book, God Made All of Me, Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. (We also play a silly “Is this a Hallmark Movie or a Shmallmark Movie” game, and it turns out they are experts there, too.)
“We need to start talking young because 1 out of 5 kids will be victims of childhood sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.”–Justin Holcomb
“[If you talk about body protection with kids] it builds a trust so that if something happens, if they are exposed to something . . . they are going know, ‘Mom and Dad know about this. They talked to me about this. They are safe and understand this.'” –Lindsey Holcomb
“We are all about swimming safety, bicycle safety, wearing your helmet, getting in your your car seat, and wearing your seat belt. Add this to that: This is body safety. This is prevention and awareness. Lump it into that category, and feel empowered in your role as their advocate.” –Lindsey Holcomb
Do the Next Thing:
Get the book here
Visit their website: www.justinholcomb.com
Follow on Twitter: @justinholcomb and @lindseyholcomb
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