When past trauma affects today’s living, it can be challenging to function in any way.
In this first episode of our Impossible Marriage Moments’ mini-series of three, we dive deep into that theme: Laurie experienced trauma’s effects in her marriage, it magnetized to her attractions toward women, and together, they almost walked her to a divorce.
What can we do if past trauma is affecting us now? What if it’s gripping someone we love? Author and therapist, Dr. Dave Beach, guides us brilliantly toward some next right steps.
“Loving attachment is the crucible for a lot of raw stuff but a lot of healing. We’re harmed in relationship and we’re healed in relationship.” -Dr. David Beach
“One of the facets of Jesus that I think brings us more compassion for others is ‘Jesus, Man of Sorrows.’” -Dr. David Beach
“[T]he beauty of a traumatized story with growth and reconstruction is it’s the imprint—the thumbprint, if you will—of God, [of] the gospel. Because that’s what happens in the life of Jesus.” -Dr. David Beach
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