Yup. We are talking about looks. Specifically, clothing. This may seem like too surface-level of a conversation for this podcast, but aren’t clothes an expression of who we are? An expression of who God made us to be?
We would say, yes.
This conversation arose as I (Laurie) was stressing out way too much about what to wear on a stage. I found myself dressing for my audience as opposed to dressing as an expression of who God made me to be.
Then Kelli O’Dell–a friend and our Producer Steve’s wife–entered the scene. She got to know my heart and helped me express it tangibly.
Now, I don’t stress. I just live.
If you feel annoyingly stressed about expressing yourself tangibly via clothes, you may leave practically encouraged after listening.
“When you do this process and find out, ‘These are my colors, these are the shapes that look good,’ it simplifies your life . . . You are freed up to focus on other people. You kind of forget about yourself.” –Kelli O’Dell
“So many of us see what looks cool on XYZ celebrity, and we are like, ‘Okay, that is a cool look. I want to try that on.’ What Kelli does is she confirms whether that particular look is right for you as an individual. Versus trying to be like someone else, it’s helping you be more like who you are.” –Steve O’Dell
Do the Next Thing:
Do you want to hit up Kelli for ideas for you? Email her here (or okelliodell@gmail.com )
“Style Identity” quiz and information
Color analysis link
Body shape quiz
Self-acceptance & Self Awareness talks by Terry Wardle here and here