Gratitude. Joy. Hope.
God has done some healing work on us, and we are sharing a few reasons why and how. We get practical.
Also we do a live, old-timey candy taste testing and it’s disgusting.
“The reason I didn’t leave is the same reason you didn’t leave: It’s because of God.” –Matt Krieg
“It’s been so hard to crack open my heart and let people in, but it has been so worth it.” –Laurie Krieg
Question of the Week:
What do you believe is the core fear of men or women? How are our fears similar or different?
Larry Crabb in Fully Alive :
“Men and women fear the same thing: “We fear aloneness—life without connection, achievement without companionship, existence without friendship, forever wandering in lonely despair.
“Loneliness is a taste of hell. Women experience the basic fear of aloneness as the terror of invisibility: unseen and unwanted. The call to invite others toward them arouses their fear. The question burns quietly within them: Do I have [something within me] that another would desire?
“Men, created and called to move into relationship with others, feel the fear of aloneness differently. In their aloneness, men fear weightlessness. Do I have what it takes to move into community, into soul-to-soul connection? To risk that my moving will have no visible impact? To move toward other who might not value my movement?” (p. 107-108)
Do the Next Thing:
Our last two podcasts that share more of this story are found here and here.
And a blog post here.
And here.