The hearty portion of this week’s podcast is all about authenticity and intimacy: How can we be authentic without over-sharing? Can pastors/leaders be authentic? Should they be? How do emotional, physical, and spiritual intimacy relate to marriage and friendship?
We are very heavy-handed with the goofball part of the show: In a fight between Eleven from Stranger Things and Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, who would win? Would you rather lose your texting ability or have to use dial-up internet forever? Would you rather have terrible dandruff, body odor, or flatulence?
You get it all here at the Hole in My Heart Podcast.
“In your sharing, is it just in the hopes that someone will give you something? Is it in the hopes that this mass of people will say… ‘Oh poor you!’ Because then the sharing his entirely about you. [Instead] say, ‘God, is this something that needs to be shared? Is this something that will help someone else?'” //Matt Krieg
”Cultivating a platform and a culture of authenticity is critical.” //Laurie Krieg
Question of the Week:
Have you ever felt lost as a 20-something? How so? What did you need or what do you feel like you need?
I mention the following chart. This idea of the husband/wife each having strengths in the marriage has greatly impacted my healing journey. The following is not perfect, but I will keep working on it. Perhaps a blog (or book) will come soon. 🙂
“Taking the Family of God Seriously,” by Bridgett Eileen (Her site and the Equip site could be very uplifting.)