2020 has been a year of uncertainty and suffering for all of us.
Joy might be the farthest thing from our minds as we look back on this season of loss and chaos.
But guys? Joy is still God’s heart for us.
Today, we hear from Shaunti Feldhahn about how we can cultivate a habit of joy—even in the midst of the deepest loss and confusion. Join us as we hear from her on this delightful gift that God has given and called us to.
“[Joy] is something that you actually have to pursue, because it is there. It’s like the Kingdom—You know, Jesus talked so much about “My kingdom” being here, and the reality is it’s there, it’s all around us. The reality is God’s presence with us is as close as our heartbeat, right? It’s Jesus in us….And yet because of [our] sinfulness, it’s so easy for us to focus on everything else that is going to steal that joy from us.” -Shaunti Feldhahn
“[Joy] is there—but it is to be attended to.” -Shaunti Feldhahn
“How do you [rejoice?]…You think on whatever is excellent. You think on whatever is lovely. You think on whatever is worthy of praise, rather than whatever is worthy of driving you nuts!” -Shaunti Felhahn
Do the Next Thing
Check out Shaunti’s latest book, Find Joy: A Devotional Journey to Unshakable Wonder in an Uncertain World.
Watch this conversation!