Author, speaker, and professor, Dr. Christopher Yuan, brings his authentic self and expertise to the podcast microphone today.
In addition to hearing his story, we explore our favorite names of God (with you listeners), expand on the reasons why it is beneficial to the church that there are more conversations around sexuality and gender in the world, and explore the questions, “Is God gender fluid?” “Why don’t you identify as gay?” and “How do you confront the lonely life?”
It’s another real life conversation on the HIMH Podcast.
“We talk about the world having safe spaces. I wonder: Should not the church be the safest place in the world? Are we safe? I think we have a lot of ways to grow and learn. But, we don’t just want to be safe. We want to be safe and redemptive.” –Christopher Yuan
“I looked and I studied for friendship [in the Bible], and I didn’t find much, unfortunately . . . David and Jonathan are never called friends once. But they are called brothers.”–Christopher Yuan
“We really need to begin living as the Church. As family. Yes, we have our blood relatives, but honestly? That is temporary. Marriage is temporary. The only true, eternal relationship that we will carry onto heaven are those bound by the blood of Christ.” –Christopher Yuan
Do the Next Thing:
Get his latest book, Holy Sexuality and the Gospel
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Check out Dr. Christopher Yuan’s website