The world feels like it’s on fire, and if we are honest? Many of us have started or increased unhealthy habits to cope.
Some have turned to porn, the use of which increased globally by 11% at the start of the pandemic.
But wait! If this is you or a friend? Before you turn away in shame or self-hatred, we pray and believe that this conversation with John Michael Cusick, licensed professional counselor, teacher, and author of Surfing for God will truly encourage you.
Discover the heart behind porn addiction and how you can overcome it—yes, even now while the world is on fire—on today’s episode.
“I don’t see that the story of God presumes that we are more sinful than we believe. I would say that we’re more loved than we know and believe, but that we’re more broken than we understand. And that our sinful behaviors flow and overflow out of our brokenness.” -Michael John Cusick
“We all experience ongoing conversions of our heart where the love of God and the Holy Spirit gets down into the nooks and crannies of who we are. Or, more accurately, Christ already dwells in us, and the Spirit is there, and the Spirit comes up and out of those nooks and crannies as the layers of shame and the layers of lies and the rubble of trauma begin to fall away.” -Michael John Cusick
“Whenever there’s any kind of suffering, it becomes an opportunity and it’s a bridge to becoming who we are and living in our union with Christ, as opposed to a barrier.” -Michael John Cusick
“[O]ur biggest sin becomes that we settle for good enough as opposed to the abundant life.” -Michael John Cusick
Do the Next Thing
Check out Michael John Cusick’s website to find out what he’s up to next!
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