Have you ever struggled to find quiet? In the world, in your life, in yourself?
We’re here with singer/songwriter and now AUTHOR Jamie Grace to talk about what it looks like to find peace and center ourselves on the Lord in this crazy world we’re living in!
Join us as we hear from her about artistry, anxiety, mental health, comparison, social media, and so much more!
“We have this misconstrued concept of what success is, and…we become so anxious as a culture and as a society and as a generation that we can’t find peace until we get the most, or the biggest, or the highest. And practically, we’ll never get the most or the biggest or the highest!” -Jamie Grace
“If I am constantly trying to pursue the best or the most or the biggest or to be loved by all, to be known by all, to have my story shared with all, I will be completely depleted.” -Jamie Grace
“It’s simply not worth it to pursue noise and volume.” -Jamie Grace
“I believe that my God is a healer….I’ve seen God heal, I know what He can do….But who am I to say that God using my testimony is not my healing?” -Jamie Grace
Do the Next Thing:
Follow Jamie Grace (and also Laurie) on Instagram!
Order Finding Quiet, Jamie’s new book, here!
Check out the Pause App by John Eldredge and go find some quiet!
Note: Video didn’t go through this week! Sad day—but enjoy the podcast!!