The gender conversation today is swirling with confusion and hurt for everyone involved.
How do we as Christians enter into this conversation?
Today, we revisit a conversation with Heather Skriba, who, having wrestled with gender dysphoria her whole life, has a compassionate and truthful perspective on this issue.
We’re thrilled to share this episode once again! Join us!
“God never just settles for salvation. He is truly redeeming everything.” -Heather Skriba
“There are people in my life that didn’t call me by name for two years, and by extension, didn’t use a pronoun when referring to me … How can you expect to have any trust or relational equity built if you are not even willing to refer to someone in a way that distinguishes them as human?”
–Heather Skriba
“I didn’t know how to let God into the painful, hurting, and dark places of my heart–not just gender– but anxiety, codependency, insecurity, and self hatred. I didn’t know how to access the heart of God in those places … I think that is something that is really missing from a lot of relationships when people try to walk with LGBT people and LGBT Christians.” –Heather Skriba
Do the Next Thing
For more on this conversation, check out Mark Yarhouse’s book Emerging Gender Identities! It’s exciting stuff. 😀
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