Today, we conclude our two-part series looking at strategies to intentionally and evangelistically approach Pride Month.
To continue the conversation, we talk with Elizabeth Delgado Black who is an evangelist and the co-founder and president of Kaleidoscope. Together, we talk about practical ways to love LGBTQ people like Jesus as well as:
- Can we talk a little bit about language? Why use LGBTQ language at all?
- How do LGBTQ people in New York City seem to view Christians generally? Why?
- How does Elizabeth’s nonprofit seek to love LGBTQ people into the Kingdom of God?
- What contextual ways does she care for her community?
- What fruit is she seeing from what she and her team do?
| Highlights |
“You don’t have to invent something on your own. Some of the most powerful work that we do is with other organizations because they do not expect that a Christian is going to want anything to do with them.” —Elizabeth Delgado Black
“I’m doing missional work, but people are not a mission.” —Elizabeth Delgado Black
“How can we share the good news of Christ if we see certain people as completely other and unworthy? Then whatever we share is no longer good news.” —Elizabeth Delgado Black
| QOTW |
What is your most *you* music? (Ya’ll are too funny…)
| Do the Next Thing |
- Find out about Kaleidoscope here
- Follow them on IG here
- Join the HIMH FB group here
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- Watch the video here or below: