Are we all leaders because of social media? How does social media play into the struggle with envy? When does pride get mixed up into that? (And what’s the relationship to all of this and self-hatred?)
We explore it with pastor, author, and speaker Adam Barr. We also walk with tauntauns, wampas, (and therefore the relationship between Star Wars and Dr. Seuss), and Matt Krieg comes up with the Goofball Island game for the first time. Woot!
“Prayer and pride are inversely proportional. If one side is high, the other side is low. If one side is low, the other side is high.”
“Jesus says… ‘The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.’ Then he says, ‘Pray to the Lord of the harvest.’ He doesn’t say, ‘Get up and go out there!’ He says, ‘Pray.’ Prayer is what unleashes anything good God wants to do in his Kingdom.”
“Beholding the glory of God is the antidote to thinking more or less of yourself.”
Do the Next Thing:
Adam’s leadership blog (The posts on leadership + pride start here.)
His Compassion Without Compromise book
Matt mentions The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
Check out our Journey Well Study and corresponding videos.