How would you respond if you found pornography on your kid’s phone?
(Listeners without kids but who are equally valuable disciple-makers: How would you recommend your friend respond to their kids if they found this?)
Author and speaker, Lee Neinhuis, had to deal with this exact situation, and it taught her, her son, and her family a lot about grace and truth.
But how do we engage not only this specific satiation, but how do we cultivate deep roots in our kids/friend’s kids/youth group kids when they are growing up in this extremely challenging cultural context?
Let’s dive in.
“I know my own battle, I know my junk. I know what I think in my head … They do not give you blinders when you head down the altar … I notice all the same men the day before I got married, and I still feel attracted to them. I still have to tell myself ‘no’ every day … So, I’m just not surprised. I think if a parent doesn’t spend some time exploring, ‘What are you tempted toward?’ and ‘Where are you broken?’ then this is going to catch them at a totally different level.” –Lee Neinhuis
“He has a testimony that involves [pornography]. I never would have wanted that, but I am so grateful that we fell in that pit, and we walked out as a family stronger.” –Lee Neinhuis
Do the Next Thing:
Find all of Lee’s beautiful work here
Her book? Here!
Find that Mom’s in Prayer Podcast here
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