*Real* talk: Authenticity seems to be currency we can “use” to deepen friendships, feel seen, or even to get more followers.
But that type of authenticity–that is an end in itself–isn’t what we are calling “authentic authenticity.” There is selfishness in it, and the fruit produced from it … tastes gross.
How can we and why should we be truly authentic? How can single people experience this? How can married people if their spouse is unwilling to go to the emotional depths?
Let’s get this this real conversation rolling with author and Fierce Marriage creator, Ryan Frederick.
*Note: The QOTW we give at the end of this episode was answered in 128. 128’s is answered next week in 131. 😉 Sorry about that!*
“The beauty of [speaking emotionally deep] is that it is not a skill that is un-learnable. It’s not something that people cannot overcome. The biggest hurdle is just the desire…until that desire is there, it’s like pulling teeth.”
“One of the biggest issues of our day and age and culture is not the conscious, ‘I’m burying this thing because I just don’t want to got here,’ it’s more, ‘I’m just so distracted I’m not even thinking about going there.’”
“Prayer is not nothing. What is prayer if it is not our expression of our need for God’s explicit intervention in our lives?”
Do the Next Thing:
Watch this conversation!
Check out Ryan and Selena’s latest book See-Through Marriage here
Their Fierce Marriage site? Here
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