Purity culture—yep, we’re going there.
Ladies and gents—if you’ve ever felt that your worth, dignity, or purity were wrapped up in your sexuality, this is for you.
On this episode, Rachel Joy Welcher, author of new book *Talking Back to Purity Culture*, helps us to debunk the myths of sexuality that have come from purity culture.
Join us as we celebrate the gospel and all the gifts Christ gives—even in our sexuality.
“You can’t stop your spouse from sinning if they want to sin—but you can sure love them!” -Rachel Joy Welcher
“You don’t fight sexual sin with sex. You fight sexual sin with self-control and love for the Lord and love for your neighbor.” -Rachel Joy Welcher
“Our dignity cannot be changed and our purity cannot be changed, if we are in Christ.” -Rachel Joy Welcher
Do the Next Thing
Pre-Order Rachel Joy Welcher’s book, Talking Back to Purity Culture.
Watch this Conversation!