Why engage only one challenging topic concerning women when you can engage more?
Such as…
What is biblical feminism (and should we call ourselves biblical feminists if we are pro-woman)?
What does it mean to be feminine?
Is there a right and wrong when it comes to marriage: complementarian or egalitarian?
Bible teacher and author, Phylicia Masonheimer, handles all of these questions and more with aplomb. (Yes, aplomb.)
Pull up an earbud, friends, and join this really enjoyable conversation.
“What I found in Scripture was that the heart of the person and their desire to walk with the Lord and evidence the fruit of the Spirit is God’s top priority. And some of those extra personality traits? They’re just the freedom that He gives us to express that personality, as long as we’re surrendering it to the Lord.” -Phylicia Masonheimer
Do the Next Thing
Check out more of Phylicia’s work at her website!
Check out an Egalitarian/Complementarian description here
Watch this conversation!
ALSO—here’s our new favorite Bible. Check it out!
I really enjoyed this episode and follow Phylicia on Instagram. But was looking in your show notes for more info regarding soft complimentarianism. Thank you!
Is there a link for the complementarian/egalitarian info that was mentioned (as far as if someone wasn’t sure which side they would fall on)?