Parents…this is your week!
This week, Matt and Laurie take your questions on the advice they give to parents of LGBTQ+ kids–and, really, it’s just good advice for everyone, always coming back to the gospel and the purpose of our lives in God’s eyes. Topics include:
What is the advice we offer to all parents of LGBT+ kids?
Would we bake the cake/do the photography/do therapy for a same-sex couple?
How do we know if we are called to marriage or singleness?
“The most—for me—winsome reason for God’s design for marriage being between men and women is because we’re so different. God did that on purpose. Because if Matt and I, in our difference can be one…I’m showing you a gospel picture…” -Laurie Krieg
“I don’t know how to answer the singleness piece, but the marrying piece, it had to be [Laurie]. God didn’t want me to just marry anyone. He didn’t call me to general marriage—He called me to [Laurie].” – Matt Krieg
“It’s important to not make [marriage]…an idol, to not make that thing the focus of my worship, but [to take it as] a gift from the One I worship.” -Steve O’Dell
Do the Next Thing:
Watch this Conversation!
And while you’re at it, check out Laurie’s YouTube Channel!
Listen to Episode #123: Single but Not Solitary with Peter Valk, to learn more about the call to singleness, and check out Greg Coles’ book Single, Gay, Christian.
Also visit the Center for Faith website to see “15 Reasons for Affirming Same Sex Relations–and 15 Responses.”
Jump on our sale this month–FREE SHIPPING on our Journey Well Study for the month of August!
Sign-up for our next webinar: “What We Tell Every Parent of an LGBT+ Child” on September 15th (it’s free if you become one of our partners!)