This is another episode where if we could pay you to listen to it, we would. We believe it is that important.
Heather was born female, but in her young twenties, fully socially transitioned to male. Now, she is again living as her born-female self, and is running toward Jesus.
How did this happen?
You know, for all the conversations we have about gender/sexuality/etc., it’s funny that we keep waiting for the answer to, “How did this happen?” to be something other than the gospel. Something other than learning how to suffer well alongside each other. Something other than surrendering idols and learning to hear God.
But it isn’t. The good news of the the gospel is it is good news for everyone and everyone’s pain. So, the answer to “How did this happen?” once again is the gospel.
Listen to another version of specifically how the gospel is good news for everyone every day alongside us today.
“There are people in my life that didn’t call me by name for two years, and by extension, didn’t use a pronoun when referring to me … How can you expect to have any trust or relational equity built if you are not even willing to refer to someone in a way that distinguishes them as human?”
–Heather Skriba
“I didn’t know how to let God into the painful, hurting, and dark places of my heart–not just gender– but anxiety, codependency, insecurity, and self hatred. I didn’t know how to access the heart of God in those places … I think that is something that is really missing from a lot of relationships when people try to walk with LGBT people and LGBT Christians.” –Heather Skriba
“So often for trans guys, surgery is looked at as, ‘This is the thing that is going to make everything else okay.’ … But I remember the first time I looked down at my chest, and I had this sinking feeling of, ‘This is not what I was hoping it would be. I mean, it’s good, but this is surface level … This was supposed to be *it,* and it’s not.” –Heather Skriba
Do the Next Thing:
- Heather works with our friend Ty at Walls Down Ministries. Find it here: www.wallsdown.org
- Heather also recommends www.theallendercenter.org and Ransomed Heart www.ransomedheart.com that have helped her on her journey. (She also recommended us, but, we don’t need to refer you to us, but we are grateful for the shout out. 🙂 )
- You want to talk with Heather? Hit us up, and we will connect you at podcast@lauriekrieg.com.
- Listen to A Gender Conversation Part 1 here
- Heather mentions how her church connected to her. Want to learn more about how your church can approach people like Heather? Here is a pastoral paper on it.
Question of the Week for Next Week:
What is your current life song? What song describes the season of life you are having (or day you are having)?
Email podcast@lauriekrieg.com, comment here, or find Laurie Krieg on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to answer
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