Marriage Retreat

Raise your hand if your marriage could use some care right now.
Hello. We see you. This year was a doozy, wasn’t it?
We think many (if not most) of us married folk could use some care that is neither, “Let’s slice open your heart and have you spill your guts right now” nor care that is “Let’s just avoid everything and take a vacation.”
What if there was an event that lived between those two options?
We believe there is…
The Impossible Marriage Intensive Retreat exists to give you and your spouse the breathing room to take a much-needed rest time together, while also learning how to practically live the impossible marriage metaphor together.
What is that metaphor? And why is it “impossible”?
According to Ephesians 5:31-32, marriage is a 24/7 picture showing our spouse, our kids, and the world how much God loves them. When we lay our lives down to be unified with our spouse, we model how Jesus laid His life down to be one with us.
We don’t think living that 24/7 gospel picture is possible—without Jesus.
So, let’s learn to invite Him more into our marriages, yeah?
If you’re interested in learning how to do this alongside us (Matt and Laurie Krieg), then join us in a luxury condo located on the shores of beautiful Gull Lake in late summer Michigan.
We, along with a qualified host couple, will set the stage for you and your spouse to cultivate practical tools to live out this impossible-without-Jesus metaphor.
Who is this for?
This is for any married couple who is in what we call the 5-8 zone of needing marriage care.
What is the 5-8 zone?
If 1 is “Our marriage is bliss!” and 10 is “The divorce papers are on the table,” we are looking to help people who are looking for more than a vacation but less than a one-on-one emergency marriage intensive.
Who is leading?
That’d be us. 🙂 Here are our fancy bios:
Laurie Krieg is a speaker, author, life coach, and Hole in My Heart Podcast host. Laurie loves so much about her work, but her favorite activity is to sit with people who feel stuck and help discern how God may want to get them unstuck. Laurie serves on the Board of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, and is earning a master’s degree from Wheaton Graduate School in Evangelism and Leadership.
Matt Krieg, MA, LPC, is a licensed therapist and director of counseling at Caring Well Counseling in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His primary focus is on helping people wrestling with issues related to sexuality (addiction, infidelity, adult survivors of sexual abuse, LGBT+) in order to eliminate shame and grip practical hope. Not all therapists enjoy marriage counseling, but Matt enjoys helping to bridge divides when it seems no bridges exist.
Matt and Laurie recently published their first book, An Impossible Marriage, and together live in Grand Rapids, Michigan with their three kids and gigantic Saint Berdoodle puppy, Bingo.

The mentor couple who will be available for prayer, conversation, and to take care of any other needs you may have is Johnny and Amanda McKenna. (Hear our conversation with them here!)
Johnny holds a degree in youth ministry with ten years of pastoring experience and currently works as a director in a marketing firm.
Amanda also has a degree in youth ministry and her license in cosmetology. She currently does admin work for Laurie and also does hair out of her home. She mostly stays busy with their three kids all under the age of 5!
Johnny and Amanda benefitted from a marriage intensive in 2018, and since then have walked alongside other couples who have gone through crisis in their marriage.
Are there other couples coming, too?
Yes! We will have (at most) six couples other who will be resting and learning alongside you. (So, seven couples attending total.)
We understand that it may be nerve-wracking to have others hear some of your suffering, but please know we will set many parameters in place to make this a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
What are we going to do?
This intensive retreat will have time for you both to rest, play,* and process together, time to meet with Matt and Laurie alone, time with the guys and ladies separately, and time for group interaction and learning.
We pray the different types of interaction will foster intimacy with your spouse, genuine community with others, and opportunities for Jesus to tenderly heal and shine through darkness. We also pray that in this new place God will have easier access to our hearts because we are in a new space–away from something like a therapy office or our homes.
*The grounds have a bowling alley, rock climbing wall, gym, walking paths, a beach, and more.
Why do we need to apply?
We want to serve you best in the season you are in. If you are not accepted into this specific event, we will ensure we set you up with the next right step—whether that is one-on-one counseling, an intensive with Matt and Laurie (one couple with Matt and Laurie alone), or if you aren’t in because space gets filled too quickly—on the next retreat!
How much is it?
We are discounting this first intensive retreat 40% to $2100 for all materials, personalized coaching, meals, and your own hotel-style luxury room in the condo.
To see all of the amenities, click the link here to see where we will be staying.
Are there scholarships available?
We have a limited amount of scholarships available generously donated by a supporter of the ministry!
Please let us know in your application if you need a scholarship.
When is the application due?
July 10, 2021
When will we know if we are accepted?
By July 17!
When is the payment due?
Half is due when you are accepted to ensure your spot, and the other half is due by September 1.
Any other questions? Email Michele at events@lauriekrieg.com