Every marriage is impossible.
See how the gospel makes all marriages possible.
Attractions to the same sex. Unprocessed childhood trauma. Porn addiction. Matt and Laurie’s marriage seemed doomed. If marriage is primarily about attraction, it was. If marriage is a gospel picture, it absolutely wasn’t.
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An Impossible Marriage

Matt & Lauren Chandler
Matt - Author, Pastor, and President of Acts 29 Network
Lauren - Author, Speaker, and Singer/Songwriter
"An Impossible Marriage is a book not just for marriages that seem impossible but for any marriage, especially between Christians. Through their own story, Matt and Laurie graciously put before the reader the purpose of marriage—the great mystery and seeming impossibility of Christ being made one with his church."

Ann Voskamp
New York Times Bestselling Author of 'The Broken Way' and 'One Thousand Gifts'
"Sometimes, what seems impossible becomes surprisingly possible—if someone just shows you how to turn and see everything from a completely different perspective. Let Laurie and Matt Krieg be your trusted guides, turn these unforgettable pages—and find yourself turning to see everything in a fresh way—turning to see the face of God. Who, right before your eyes, can make the impossible into a glorious possible."

Gabe Lyons
President of Q Ideas and Author of 'Good Faith'
"A courageous, bold and vulnerable story showing the lengths God will go for us to experience true love and intimacy."

Preston Sprinkle
President: Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender
"Laurie and Matt's marriage shows off the gospel in all its truth and grace, which is why I'm so excited they decided to write this book. Anyone who is married or considering getting married needs to read An Impossible Marriage."

Marvin Williams
Lead Pastor: Trinity Church; Devotional Writer: Our Daily Bread
"An Impossible Marriage is an inestimable gift to the body of Jesus in this season. It is theologically poignant, emotionally authentic, intellectually honest, spiritually freeing, and mission-ally critical."

Curt Thompson
Author of 'The Soul of Shame' and 'Anatomy of the Soul'
"With An Impossible Marriage, Laurie and Matt Krieg have offered us a living, redemptive sacrifice—a story of durable hard work, and a story of beauty, goodness, and joy that emerges out of trauma, and shame and grief as all the best stories do."

Mary DeMuth
Author of 'We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis'
"An Impossible Marriage reminded me of my longing to hear from Jesus in every aspect of my life, not only my marriage. Honestly written with a bent toward those who have battled trauma, this unique marriage book will inspire you to surrender your life and your marriage to Jesus afresh."

David Bennett
Speaker, Author of 'A War Of Loves,' OCCA Research Fellow and Oxford Doctoral Student in Christian Ethics
"An Impossible Marriage isn’t just a one-of-a-kind book on marriage, but a prophetic message that frees us from the idol of sex and marriage in and outside of the Church that has too long kept us bound from knowing the transformative power and ineffable goodness of the love and holiness of God."

Gregory Coles
Author of 'Single Gay Christian' and 'No Longer Strangers'
"In these raw and daring pages, we come face to face with the love of Jesus—a love that aches and bleeds and never lets go. This book is the story of a marriage, yes, but it's also the story of The Marriage between a divine Lover and the bride for whom he died. Whether you're single or married, straight or gay or anything else, there's something of the gospel for you here."
Download Chapter One
"Eight years in[to our marriage], after our second daughter’s birth, I couldn’t be in the same room with Matt without my entire body stiffening with fear bathed in rage."
Read the full first chapter of An Impossible Marriage now.
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About Laurie & Matt Krieg

Laurie Krieg is a writer, speaker, and ministry leader whose mission is to teach the church how to approach sexuality with the gospel. She also serves on the board of directors of the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender.
Matt Krieg is a licensed professional counselor and director of counseling at Caring Well Counseling. Together, Matt his wife Laurie host the Hole in My Heart Podcast. They live with their three children in Grand Rapids, Michigan.