
Laurie Krieg is a coach/consultant, speaker, author, and podcast host whose mission is to equip Jesus-followers with a gospel-centered approach to sexuality.
Meet Laurie
Laurie Krieg is the president of Impossible Ministries, a coaching/consulting, teaching, and podcasting ministry with the mission to equip Jesus-followers with a gospel-centered approach to marriage and sexuality. Laurie serves on the Board of Directors for The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, and is earning a master’s degree from Wheaton Graduate School in Evangelism and Leadership.
Laurie most often links arms with her husband, Matt Krieg, MA, LPC. Matt is a licensed therapist and a site director of counseling at Second Story Counseling in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His primary focus is on helping people wrestling with issues related to sexuality (addiction, infidelity, adult survivors of sexual abuse, LGBT+) in order to eliminate shame and grip practical hope. Matt and Laurie wrote a book called An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us about Love and the Gospel (IVP 2020). They also co-host The Hole in My Heart Podcast, and live in Western Michigan with their three kids.

Laurie loves teaching about how the gospel interplays with marriage, sexuality, and all aspects of life.
Laurie has spoken on stages such as:
- Q Conference
- Wheaton College Chapel
- Churches around the country
- Podcasts like Theology in the Raw and The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
Inquire more about speaking here.
Learn More
Laurie writes practically and from the heart about issues related to sexuality, marriage, shame, lament, and trauma. Read her blog here.
Laurie has written for organizations such as: The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, The Banner, True Woman, and has written a discipleship program for individuals, mentors, and small groups to journey well alongside people wrestling with sexuality. Find it here.
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The purpose of the Hole in My Heart Podcast is to talk about how the gospel is good news for everyone every day.
How do they do that? The host, teacher, and author, Laurie Krieg, and her husband and licensed-therapist, Matt Krieg, partner up with Producer Steve to engage challenging topics engage in challenging topics such as shame, trauma, and anxiety.
They apply a historically biblical sexual ethic to the topics of marriage, sexuality, and porn-addiction, and funnel all those conversations through the hope-filled good news of the gospel. They laugh (and sometimes cry), but they always focused on the joyful challenge of walking with Jesus.
Listen to the podcast here.
Watch the vodcast here.
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In a world seeking sexual wholeness yet experiencing sexual brokenness, Laurie is a breath of fresh air! Her team truly gets to the root of the problem of what’s preventing people from flourishing as sexual beings.
I love Matt and Laurie’s journey. But more than loving their journey, I love Matt and Laurie. Period … On their walk to Emmaus, the risen Christ meets and walks with them in the darkness of their despondency and confusion, listens to their dashed hopes and overflowing frustrations, and gently nudges them—and I dare say us—toward gospel hope and redemptive joy. They yield again and again. Their journey is a seesaw of lament and joy, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The living God is giving Matt and Laurie what to desire—him … Like Matt and Laurie, may we all surrender to God and want what he wants.
Laurie offers an honest, vulnerable, insightful and passionate account of her own story of same-sex attraction, while at the same time remaining squarely within the biblical understanding of human sexuality AND challenging the church to do better in our care of LGBT+ members, friends and family. An inspiring speaker who will create great conversations.
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